Book launch of Saunton – A Coastal Curation.
Over 2018, Salt Media, a creative media agency was commissioned to produce a book for Saunton Sands about artists that were inspired by Saunton Sands beach and Lundy Island on the North Devon coastline.
Stella Levy, co-owner of White Moose gallery based in Barnstaple recommended myself to the agency and I was approached by them to be part of the commissioned book: Saunton – A Coastal Curation.
The book was created and designed over the past year and on 2nd November 2018, it was launched at The Saunton Sand Hotel.

The photographer who took the photos was Guy Harrop – info@guyharrop.com – 07866 464282.
If you are in the hotel at any point please do pop into the shop and have a look at it.
Guy Harrop – info@guyharrop.com – 07866 464282.